Our Business Strategy

Our Vision:

To produce resources that Power a Clean World. Powering Better Lives in Africa and Beyond is our purpose.

This is what drives our ambition to provide resources (beyond just commodities) that are critical in a low-carbon world.

Our Sustainable Growth and Impact strategy enables us to deliver on this vision and our success lies in the strength of our organisations’ culture and values. Through our strategy, we aim to transform Exxaro in a systematic and integrated manner into a diversified company that will transition from a coal base to a minerals and renewable energy solutions business that will thrive in a low-carbon future.

Guided by our purpose to Power Better Lives in Africa and Beyond, we understand that we cannot grow sustainably without deliberately creating a positive impact in the environment and communities we serve. We remain committed to responsibly maximising the value of our coal assets whilst we play an active role in creating a future which enables our vision – “Resources Powering a Cleaner World.”

Strategic Objectives

To create sustainable growth and impact, we are focusing on five objectives.

Transition at speed and scale

Transition at speed and scale

We will further evolve into a recognisable, diversified minerals and energy business at a pace that will enable us to capture significant growth opportunities while ensuring a just transition

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Develop a thriving minerals and energy business

Develop a thriving minerals and energy business

We will enhance focus on our core delivery areas: minerals and energy. We will be doing this by using a prudent portfolio management and capital allocation approach as well as operational excellence using innovation and technology.

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Empower people to create impact

Empower people to create impact

Our people are equipped with the capabilities, mindset, and passion to achieve our purpose.

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Be a catalyst for environmental stewardship and economic development

Be a catalyst for environmental stewardship and economic development

Impact is intrinsic to our business investments and activities. We achieve diversity and inclusion, socio-economic impact, and environmental stewardship in the delivery of our strategy.

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Become carbon neutral by 2050

Become carbon neutral by 2050

Actively manage our scope 1 and scope 2 carbon emissions and reduce the volume of potable water consumed in our operations to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

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Sustainable Development and Impact

We use South Africa’s resources to power a positive, sustainable future for our people.

Climate Change
Climate Change

Our purpose as a company is to Power Better Lives in Africa and Beyond by responsibly investing in resources that Power a Clean World. We are also proud to embrace the principles of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Our Community
Our Community

We strongly believe that communities are central to our success. Our growth is dependent on our employees and the people we partner with around the country. Socio-economic development has always formed part of Exxaro’s DNA.

Our Impact at Scale

Our Impact at Scale

  • Collaboration with diverse partners who complement Exxaro’s capabilities
  • A common goal for all partners
  • Focused resources to ensure dedication to the vision, skills development and quality results
  • Diversity and inclusion to maintain the momentum of transformation (focusing on women, youth and people living with disabilities)
  • Market-driven migration of enterprises from subsistence to commercial operations
Community Development

Community Development

Our community development initiatives are successful but not far-reaching, as they are constrained by localised impact and lack of local government capacity. The socio-economic and environmental challenges are exacerbated by rising unemployment (aggravated by COVID-19) and poverty. Exxaro and government cannot resolve these challenges on their own.

Our impact at scale approach recognises the opportunity to reference legislative requirements, such as the Mining Charter III and the Department of Trade and Industry’s B-BBEE codes, as the foundation for our work with government. We also see an opportunity to lead better and bigger development initiatives that will arrest and reverse the scourge on our communities.

Our Resources

Powering a Clean World

Exxaro has established itself as one of South Africa’s largest and foremost black-empowered resources companies. We are among the top five coal producers in South Africa and a constituent of the JSE’s Top 40 Index. What’s more, we are included in the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Top 30 Index.

Who We Are

Inside Exxaro

Over the last decade, we’ve established ourselves as an organisation respected by its peers for our innovation, ethics and integrity.

Investor Centre

Share Price

A financial overview of JSE listed company Exxaro Resources Ltd (EXX), including company share information, share price history, a consensus forecast, company news and more.

Annual Financial Results Presentation for the year ended 31 December 2024

Participants must register for the conference to receive their dial in number and will be required to state their name and company upon entering the call.


Partnering with Exxaro

Exxaro has established itself as one of South Africa’s largest and foremost black-empowered resources companies. We are among the top five coal producers in South Africa and a constituent of the JSE’s Top 40 Index. What’s more, we are included in the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Top 30 Index. We are also proud to embrace the principles of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

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Exxaro delivers on guidance, achieving exceptional export performance, improves safety performance, and maintains superior shareholder returns

Press Release • 13 Mar 2025

Exxaro delivers on guidance, achieving exceptional export performance, improves safety performance, and maintains superior shareholder returns

Exxaro’s performance for the 2024 financial year demonstrated resilience and continued operational excellence. Our net cash position increased to R16.3bn (excluding Energy’s net debt) by the end of 2024, compared to R14.8bn at the end of 2023. As such the Board resolved to embark on a share repurchase programme of R1.2 billion subject to the prevailing market conditions and JSE Listings Requirements. The Board approved a gross final cash dividend of R8.66 per share, for the year ended 31 December 2024. Additionally, the Board approved a R1.2 billion share repurchase programme, subject to prevailing market conditions and JSE Listings Requirements.

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Appointment of Ben Magara as new chief executive officer of Exxaro

Press Release • 13 Mar 2025

Appointment of Ben Magara as new chief executive officer of Exxaro

Johannesburg, 13 March 2025 - Exxaro Resources Limited (“Exxaro” or “the Company”) has today announced the appointment of its new Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). Following an expedited and targeted selection process, the board of directors of Exxaro (“Board”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Bennetor (“Ben”) Magara as the incoming CEO, effective 1 April 2025. Ben will succeed Acting CEO, Mr Riaan Koppeschaar, who will continue in his role as Finance Director.

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Exxaro’s 2024 Financial Results prove that sustainable impact is truly at the core of the business

Press Release • 12 Mar 2025

Exxaro’s 2024 Financial Results prove that sustainable impact is truly at the core of the business

Exxaro Resources, South Africa’s black empowered diversified minerals and energy solutions business released its full-year financial results for the year ended 31 December 2024. Despite the challenging operational landscape and market conditions, the performance demonstrates resilience in a dynamic industry, reinforcing commitment to the group’s strategic objectives as well as value creation for stakeholders. Some of the highlights include 28 consecutive months without work related fatalities and improving lost time injury frequency rate. This demonstrates Exxaro’s effective safety strategy and dedication of all employees to towards reaching our goal of Zero-Harm.

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